We are excited to open registration for the 2024- 2025 season!
To accommodate local club wrestling practice schedules.. we have shifted the De Pere practice schedule to Mondays and Wednesdays. Same times as previous years with Beginners 6:00pm - 7:00pm and Advanced 7:00pm -8:30pm.
At the bottom of this page you can login to your existing SE account or create new. After that you should see continue at the bottom of this page to start your registration for the wrestling season. After you complete you should get an invitation within 48 hours to join the team and download the SE app. Please check your email junk/spam folders for the invitation. Please login to the app using the email you registered your wrestler under.
We will also continue to use the SportsEngine (SE) App where you will be able to see upcoming events, meetings, practices, competitions, etc... and confirm attendance to an event rather than us doing the manual tracking via a sheet at practices.
We will no longer use the google calendar like years past and will only use the SE app schedule feature go forward.
Please ask to join "De Pere Redbirds Wrestling" on Facebook and get familiar with our new website: http://www.deperewrestling.com
Team registration will stay the same this year at $85.00 for the season and includes a team T-Shirt/shorts.
We had great success last year with the Try It Out & Bring A Friend Nights and we will do that again this year.
We will be have a "Parents Night" like last year with the date and time TBD but will be as early as we can get it scheduled.
Gear rentals will be the fiirst 2 weeks of practice in the rear common area of De Pere High School
Practice Address: De Pere High School
Practice Date Start: Monday December 2nd
Practice Days : Mondays and Wednesday
Practice will be broken into 2 sessions and will run between 6:00pm -8:30pm
Please plan to attend the beginners practice unless communicated to go to advanced practice.
Full Schedule Will Be Loaded On Site and SE App
We hope you will reach out to either of us should you need! Both of us are here to help as needed but we are trying to take a divide and concur approach to it. See below for guidance however again you can reach out to either of us.
Parent Communication
Mike Maes - depereyouthwrestling@gmail.com - 920-913-0186
Coaching, wrestling questions, etc.
Derek LeClaire - CoachDerekLeclaire@gmail.com - 920-360-2412
Youth Reps
Laura LeClaire - depereyouthwrestling@gmail.com - 920-737-9378
Heather Metzler - depereyouthwrestling@gmail.com - 920-621-3930
Youth Director
Dustin Mitchell - coachdustinmitchell@gmail.com - 713-417-5916
Select an option to continue with the registration.